We thought that people might like to see some video footage of the band. We never get much opportunity to video gigs, plus we don't want to block the view of the band for the audience, hence there aren't as many clips as there might have been! However, we've got some great footage from our February 2006 gigs, which is being put on to the site as quickly as the clips can be produced. Please bear in mind that the clips are not altered in any way other than adding a title and reducing the picture size. To offer the greatest compatibility, we now offer the clips as either Windows Media (.wmv) or Quicktime (.mov). The clips are around 10MB in size. All video recording has been done by Gill Jangra, Bimal's wife, and we thank her for doing an excellent job! We will try to add a couple of clips per month or so: keep checking to see whether your favourite song has been added yet... Enjoy!